I would like to thank everyone who supported my experiment in migratory writing this last year, especially those who offered to let me crash on their blog. Thank you John, David, Chris, Sheril, Jennifer, Greg, Carin, Deborah, Krystal, Brian, Christopher, Michael, Barbara, Madhu, Raymond, Zinjanthropus, as well as Bob, Jeremy, Greg, Kevin, Pal, and Jason who offered to host but whom I haven't had the time to write for yet (but the posts are still on the way!). I would like to return the favor and host any and all of you who'd like to guest post at my new digs.
But most importantly I would like to thank my readers. Your comments, questions, as well as your criticisms have poked and prodded me (sometimes unwillingly) into being a better writer. I look forward to the continuing conversation as The Primate Diaries puts down some roots and settles into the comforts of home.